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6 Keys to improve the digital marketing strategy for real estate

We are living in a digital age where any company that does not adapt to the demands of buyers and new technologies is destined to become obsolete.

Therefore, using digital marketing strategies in your real estate development is not only necessary to attract more clients and increase income, but also to achieve greater commercial profitability and improve the efficiency of your teams.

Yes, it can be a long and complex path, but it also offers great advantages and opportunities if you are a lover of challenges. How to start?

In this article, we will give you the keys to draw a strategic plan that will help you achieve success. Let’s get started!

It is increasingly difficult to sell real estate, what do you need to win customers?

The buying process in the real estate sector has been transformed thanks to the Internet. Whereas before agents had to go out to find customers and pay for expensive advertising, now it is customers who turn to brands to answer their questions.

First, they search the web, ask for recommendations and compare their options, and then make contact with a promoter. So how do you close more sales using new technologies?

Unlike the presence in media, billboards and magazines, digital marketing allows you to capture qualified prospects, understand with data and statistics the interests, desires and motivations of your potential customers.

Thus, it is easier to articulate specific actions to attract those clients who are really interested in buying a house and with whom it is worth investing time and resources.

Now it is difficult to know where to start. First, you need a digital marketing strategy that supports the efforts, and second, you need to follow a plan to achieve your goals.

How do I make a plan that supports my digital marketing strategy?

A strategic plan will help you gather the necessary information to achieve your short, medium and long-term objectives. In addition, you need a strategy that helps you plan actions, execute them, define a budget and the expected results .

Inbound, is a methodology based on the purchasing process of your clients. Use content to attract and fall in love with them, adding value and accompanying them until they are ready to buy.

These are 6 keys that you must know to carry out a successful plan that helps you improve the digital marketing strategy of your real estate from an inbound approach:

Key 1. Define your current situation, competition and potential customers

Basically, it’s about putting the cards on the table. Know your current situation internally (online presence), what your competition is doing, define who you are targeting (ideal customer) and what is your value proposition.

How to analyze your development?

To know your current situation, you must evaluate your website (which is optimized for SEO) and your online presence: social networks, brand positioning, visits and registrations on your page, perception and response of your customers towards your brand, as well as, the management and monitoring of these.

It is also important to define what the company needs, attract new contacts, improve the qualification of prospects, build a value relationship with prospects to increase contact requests, or make the sales team more effective.

This exercise serves to define the areas of opportunity for your development and those in the sector that, perhaps, you have not yet exploited.

Who are you talking to?

Creating a profile of your ideal client or buyer persona, to know their characteristics, interests, habits, needs, know how and where to look for information, is essential to define the  strategy, actions and channels that you are going to use.

In addition, it will help you improve the sales process, since you will know in advance the needs of the prospect: a house with nearby schools, furnished, with a patio, etc., as well as the stage of the buying cycle in which it is.

What is your competition doing?

In addition to finding out what your competition is doing, you must define a value proposition that helps you differentiate yourself . In other words, what can you offer your potential clients that other developments cannot?

In this case, it may be some type of mortgage loan, the area where the properties are located, or the service throughout the process.

Inbound helps you add value from the early stages of the buying cycle

At motherlandgroups, we always start a joint work process with the strategy stage, where we do a digital analysis that integrates a benchmarking of the competition.

Key 2. Set goals

Then, we set the digital marketing objectives of your real estate, which must be related and drive the objectives of your business.

Business objectives

They have to do, mainly, with generating greater income and improving profitability. For example , increase sales in your real estate by 50% compared to the previous year, grow the business, obtain more profits.

Digital Marketing Goals

The objectives of your digital marketing strategy are those that will help you achieve your business objectives. For example, increase visits to your website, increase sales opportunities with qualified prospects or improve the lead rate to closing.

These objectives must be SMART, that is, specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and within a specified time.

Key 3. Identify your channels

Once you know where your buyer personas seek and interact , we can define the channels through which we will reach them. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, are platforms that allow you to:

  • Segment your market, through ads.
  • Receive feedback from your potential clients and chat directly with them.
  • Spread your content and diversify it, you can use videos, photos, infographics, etc.

Now, if you don’t get the results you expect, you can use paid media such as:

  • Tweets and posts from Facebook, LinkedIn, promoted on paid ad platforms.
  • Employ influencers to make mention or publications of your development.
  • Banners of your website on other portals.
  • SEM campaigns serve to direct qualified traffic and with purchase intention to your site.

Key 4. Generate digital assets

A blog where you offer useful and relevant content for your buyer persona will help you attract qualified prospects. In addition, these assets last over time, since an article from a year ago can continue to attract potential customers.

For instance:

  • Where to buy my first home in Mexico?
  • The 10 best cities to live in Mexico
  • Safer neighborhoods to live in if you have a family
  • Rent or buy a house?

Organically, ideally, your content should adhere to SEO standards and use keywords to position in search engines. Although, there are also PPC (Pay Per Click) strategies that allow you to position yourself in the first results of Google, in exchange for a payment for the clicks received.

Key 5. Unify all actions

The inbound real estate marketing methodology is based on creating valuable content to attract, fall in love with and convert potential clients into promoters of your brand.

Inbound is a comprehensive strategy focused on results that helps you unify all your actions to convert your leads into customers, according to the stage of the purchase cycle in which they are.

  • Attract: Capture strangers who become visitors to your website.
  • Engage: Accompany prospects during their purchase process and offer them content that helps them solve their doubts and build trust.
  • Delight: Adding value before, during and after the entire process helps to turn customers into promoters of your development.

Key 6. Budget

The last but not least key is to consider how much you will invest in each of the actions you have planned. Developing a budget is very important for your  digital marketing strategy to be effective.

Take into account, for example:

  • Resources and tools to use (software, platforms).
  • Team of professionals: designers, writers, web programmers, sales agents.
  • Paid advertising: Facebook Ads, Google Adwords, etc.

Selling more properties is not an impossible mission

Implementing inbound marketing your property , will help you improve your trading strategy without the need to sell invasively, streamline tasks of your teams, you bring more prospects and gives you visibility in the online world.

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