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What is the Difference to Black Hat and White Hat SEO?

What is the Difference to Black Hat and White Hat SEO?

Black Hat SEO and White Hat SEO are two different methods of search engine optimization. These terms refer to how they rank the results of a website on the SERP (Search Engine Result Pages). This is important because the higher a website ranks, the more likely it is that your site will get more traffic and possible convert visitors into customers. A lot of Web entrepreneurs often get this question wrong: What is the difference between white hat and black hat SEO? It can be quite confusing.

Both of these methods have their own advantages and disadvantages. But it’s more about ranking a certain way on the SERP than about any particular method. Both techniques are very popular, because both offer quick and easy way to achieve first page ranking on major search engines such as Google, MSN Bing, and Yahoo. Each technique has its own benefit. So it’s really difficult to compare them side-by-side.


First of all, black hat SEO is a form of spamming. It uses unethical tactics like writing deceptive text links, posting repeated keyword phrases in the content, creating cookie tags that are attached to every page the visitor goes to and so on. Black hat SEOs use spamming just to boost their rankings. So if you want your site to rank well on major search engines like Google, then you better not indulge in black hat practices!


White Hat SEO on the other hand, is an ethical way of getting your site ranked high on search engines. The main goal of white hat SEO is to provide quality content to the visitors of the site. It’s not about getting ahead of the competition. Instead, it’s about providing useful information to people. For instance, if you are providing valuable information about dog training, then you wouldn’t want to stuff the content of your site with tons of unrelated keywords and phrases.

On the other hand, black hat techniques often use unethical methods to boost their rankings. One example would be creating hundreds of backlinks to a single web page. This might sound great for your ranking, but what good will it do if these backlinks are coming from some unscrupulous site owners who wants to sell some cheap knockoffs or some other tricks? You may see your site ranking get a little lower because of that.

There are also cases when white hat techniques get identified by some search engines as spam. They check for duplicate content or unusual keywords that are not mentioned anywhere else on the internet. The ranking gets affected. But don’t worry. Once search engines rule out such sites as bots and spammers, your site will be safe from such problems.

The bottom line is that both techniques are beneficial for your online business in one way or another. If you want to achieve real success, you need to find out which one would suit your site best. But the choice is yours. Good luck!


So, what are the main differences between black hat techniques and white hat techniques? Well, first of all they both employ search engine optimization. But that’s not all. These two methods use different sets of strategies and approaches. White hat techniques generally follow what is known as natural strategy to black hat techniques follow what is called strategic approach.

White hat strategies generally work well with a well-made website. It also doesn’t really matter if the website is well-made or not. It just matters that the website is built in a manner that leads to higher ranking for it. If the website has been well-designed and constructed well, then the chances of it achieving high rankings in search engine results increase. With such strategies, you can almost guarantee that your website will be able to achieve the desired ranking and that too within a short period of time.

Black hat techniques on the other hand work very differently. The entire point of doing so is to make sure that your website is ranking high for the specific keyword that you are targeting. This means that you are cheating your visitors and you are hurting the ranking and visibility of your website. But to prevent such things from happening, you need to hire the services of a SEO firm that will provide you with the best black hat techniques that work for your website.

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